

Lap Swimming

I met up with a neighbor to swim this morning and I used the same workout as Tuesday's swim. I ended up swimming around 900 meters, a great workout. I didn't get to weights today. I will probably try to fit them in sometime tomorrow.

This week has been busy. I feel like I have been running too many errands. I still have a million more to do. On Wednesday when I went out to our car there was some sort of white spray all over one side of it and two others cars. I am still not sure what is was; I went to a hand car wash place and they told me they thought it was overspray from paint and that it would cost me $100 + to get it off! I went home and did nothing and mulled it over for a day. Today the kiddos and I went out and washed it of with a hose and dish soap. All is well, if it was paint it's gone now. They are the best helpers and they make a boring task like cleaning a car fun! Love them!!

I ordered some new swim gear the other day and the kiddos begged me for swim caps, so I caved and let them pick out their own. Natalie loves hers and it is really helped keep her hair out of her face during swimming and she loves wearing it. Weston likes the idea of it but doesn't actually use it that much. If you have a girl and hair is an issue at the pool try a swim cap they come in kid sizes and they are super cute and fun to use.