

Frozen Grapes

You know when your grapes are getting a little mushy and nobody wants anymore but you still have a bunch left, and you don't want to throw them away. That's when you throw them in the freezer. Frozen grapes are a great treat for hot summer days.

Warning: If you have small children make sure to cut the grapes in half or maybe quarters because frozen grapes can be a choke hazard. 

If your baby is teething, you can cut up frozen grapes and put them in those little mesh bags feeders, they are sweet and cold, babies love them. The bonus is you don't have to worry about them biting through one of those mystery rings with fluid.

**This post has been reposted from last summer because it's hot outside and I have slightly mushy grapes to tend to.

I am also participating in a Fitness Friday link up party by Ang at Sparkles and Bugs.

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