
Yesterday was the first day of school...

and today I feel much better.

Living somewhere new can just take time to adjust all around. I had gotten use to our school routine in California and I loved walking to school and seeing that my son got into class. Here the kiddos ride the school bus and I have to trust that they will arrive to school safely and make it to the classrooms they are suppose to be in. I know people do this all the time...it's just new to me.

Natalie started kindergarten. She is my baby. It is hard to cope with the fact that she is actually old enough to attend a full day of school without me by her side. She is very independent and very happy to go to school. Which makes things easier. But boy do I miss baby Natalie.

I spent my first free day in over 6 years pacing around the house close to the phones (just in case) and just scatterbrained. I actually almost locked myself out of the house when I went to get the mail...that would have been an embarrassing call to my hubby.

I know there were many days when the kids where younger and I couldn't even see straight that I prayed for some peace and quite. But I never imagined that when I finally got it that it would feel too soon. I know that everyone says time flies and I really never believed it when I was a sleep deprived mother of two kids 20 months apart. But time flies!

The kiddos had a wonderful first day of school. The bus was 20 minutes late due to a parent not being outside waiting for their kindergartener at one of the stops (the bus drivers will not let the little ones off until there is an adult present). I was besides myself waiting for them at the bus stop and when the bus finally arrived my son started to get off but I didn't see my daughter. We found her fast asleep in one of the seats... I had to go on the bus and carry her out. She was worn out from all the excitement of the first day of school!

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