I'm not sure where to begin. Every time I look at you I have been tearing up, sorry, you see I love you soo much it hurts. I am trying to wrap my head around that you are in fact old enough to attend school. I'm not sure where time has went because there have been seasons in life that have went by as slow as a snail and other seasons, like this one, that have flown by like a super sonic jet. It feels like yesterday that I held you in my arms for the first time and now I am getting ready to slowly release you to the world.
I worry because I am your Mother and I suppose it's in my job description, although I pray that I will worry less and trust more in our God and His plans for you. You are a miracle, there is no doubt. I pray that I have prepared you for this next season in your life. I hope that kids are kind but more so I hope you are kind and loving to others even when they are not kind to you. I pray that you are not scared and that you will feel welcomed and excited about this new challenge.
We have spent the last couple weeks getting ready for school. You have been very happy and excited for everything we have checked off our list. When the catalogs came to the house with all the backpacks you knew which one you wanted without any indecisiveness. We went to the store and bought you the spiderman backpack and lunchbox you wanted for school and you wore it around the house for the rest of the day! When we went to the store to buy you new school clothes you tried on each and every piece of clothing. Then I took you to buy school shoes and you knew before we started looking that you wanted "blinker" shoes. I was unsure of what "blinker" shoes were but you knew which ones they were and you were sure that they were the only ones that would fit your feet comfortably. That night you slept in your "blinker" shoes.
Yesterday we spent an hour at the school for observation. I worried that you would get nervous or intimidated by all the teachers there but you didn't, you were confident and left me alone in the back room while you completed all the tasks asked of you. When we left you were smiling from ear to ear, I know you were proud of yourself, I was proud of you too!