Since I have been on a break from running this was my first longish run since Surf City. I was slow as molasses but the company was great and the view was extraordinary! We decided to run Quail Hill Trailhead / Boomers Canyon area. It's very hilly which was a nice change but it was tough. Hopefully since the sun sets later now we can run this trail more often.
If you are ever in Irvine you should definitely run this trail the views are great. We finished a little after dusk and as we reached the top of the last hill we could see all the lights of the city. I was tempted to take a quick picture but decided to drink water instead.
It was really a fun idea to run a virtual 10k especially knowing that there were women all over running on the same day the same distance for the same event.
I did download the Nike+ app for my iphone so that I could upload my run to their website. I have tried a couple other running apps for my phone in the past but I will say this one was neat. I used it for the first time last night so I haven't had a chance to play with all the features but for $1.99 it looks like you get a lot of bang for your buck.
Tonight they hosted the celebration at the Nokia theater in downtown LA for the She Runs LA event. It sounded like it was going to be a blast. Unfortunately I was not able to make it and I was totally bummed! Hopefully some of you were able to attend and if you did I would love to hear all the details.