I hope the first day of the new year is treating you well. I have had a wonderfully relaxing and fun Christmas vacation. My husband took the last two weeks of December off and my son was on Christmas break. This break was long overdue and we had a wonderful time just hanging out together.
It rained the first week of vacation which was a bummer but also sort of a blessing in disguise. It really made us hunker down in the house and spend time together instead of running around like crazy people. We did 95% of our Christmas shopping online no lines or crowded stores! I did not really use the computer at all that first week, sorry for the neglected the blog. But I hope you had time unplugged and connected with family for the holidays.
On Christmas eve we surprised the kiddos with their first trip to Disneyland. This was our big gift to them we splurged and bought annual passes since we are only a twenty minute drive from Disney. We plan on hanging out at Disney a lot this year!
The Christmas decorations at Disney were spectacular. It was hard to take everything in there was soo much to look at. We were there when it opened and there was hardly anyone there but by late afternoon early evening the place was packed!
Christmas day was great because the kiddos were very tired from Disney the day before they slept until 8:30!! So we had time to relax have a little coffee while we waited for them. My dad made it to town for a little Christmas brunch nothing too fancy: eggs, fresh hash browns, bacon, blueberry coffee cake and some mimosas. For dinner my dad and I whipped up a delicious dinner: beef tenderloin with a red wine reduction, poor man's gratin, green beans, garlic salmon with capers and a white wine and lemon sauce on top of a bed a wilted spinach.
I cannot believe today is January 1st!! This year went away in the blink of an eye. 2010 was a big and crazy year for us. It was filled with a lot of change and I feel like we have done a pretty good job embracing the changes. I can't wait to see what 2011 has in store for our family.