
First day of Kindergarten!

Me and my handsome son.

Walking to school with his best buddies.

Going into class for the first time!

Leaving class.

Working on his "homework" with Natalie.

Full story tomorrow after Mommy has had some much needed rest. But in short the day was great!

Okay I am as rested as I am going to be. The morning went smoothly thanks to my Mommy madness the night before checking and double checking everything under the sun!

Weston requested Chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. We complied since it was the first day of school, they were whole wheat at least. We live a half mile from the school so we left on foot about 15 minutes before school started. We met up with our neighborhood friends and walk together in one big group. It was a lot of fun. I really think this helped Weston relax and not get nervous because the whole walk he was joking around with his best buddy.

We made it to the Kindergarten playground and Weston and Natalie attacked the playground. They played until the bell rang. When the bell rang our teacher told us to give them a hug and kiss and get them lined up to go to class. I was a bit surprised, I thought I would be able to go into the class with him, maybe get him settled or something. So it was sorta like a band aid getting yanked off. I gave him a hug and kiss and sent him on his way.

He was in the classroom and the door closed, no Mommies, Daddies or little sister's allowed!! My husband was very proud of me I did not cry, I did get choked up a bit but I held it together. Which is surprising because I thought I would be a wreck, it helped that he was happy to go to class.

The walk home was weird... minus one kid for the first time ever! Luckily for me I had a project planned to keep my mind off the time. We set up a new little "homework" workstation in the living room for Weston and Natalie.

When we picked him up he was happy to see us although he seemed exhausted. He told us about chasing a gingerbread man around the school. They hid the gingerbread man all over the school so that the Kindergarten kids could learn the areas they needed to learn about, school nurse, principals office, playground, library, bathroom, etc.

I had asked him a couple times if he had brought home any of his work from the day but of course he said "no". Then as I kissed him goodnight he had a mischievous grin on his face and I asked him what was going on then with a lot of giggling he revealed that he had made a gingerbread man and it was hidden in his backpack!

It was adorable, he asked me to frame it, I did so immediately and put it on his new "homework" workstation.

I was incredibly proud of him on his first day of school. He did an awesome job!

We had a crazy mix up that day with the school and after some calls and emails realized that Weston got switched to the "early bird" schedule instead of the late bird we had originally been assigned to. It was actually great news and we were excited. This means he will get to walk to school with his friends in the morning, which is the best thing ever in his mind.
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