
A little Thanksgiving preparations

Okay maybe not a little, I've spent most of the day preparing for Thanksgiving tomorrow. It hasn't really been stressful I've just been busy getting things done so that tomorrow I can relax and enjoy company.

I don't always get to cook Thanksgiving dinner. Most years we have been blessed to make it to Illinois to visit with family, this year it just wasn't in the cards.

I do love to cook holiday feasts! And it's even more fun when you get to have people over to enjoy the spread together. This year my Dad will be here and our neighbors who happen to be our friends. :) The kiddos love playing with their kids and even though there is an age gap they all seem to get along really well.

I used to stress out about big meals even though I really enjoyed cooking them. I just couldn't get it out of my head that things didn't have to be "perfect". These days I don't worry about perfect I'm just happy if the kiddos remember to flush. Sad but true.

Seriously though, it's much better to focus less on things being just right and focus more on enjoying the time you have with friends and family.

I keep my menu for Thanksgiving simple; it really hasn't changed much over the years. It's not very low fat or that healthy but it's fun to have a yummy sinfully delicious meal a couple times a year.

Here's what's on the menu:

Mashed Potatoes (made with heavy cream, butter and cream cheese )

Sweet Potato Casserole

Haricot Vert with mushrooms

Corn Bread Stuffing

Baby Romaine salad with goat cheese and cinnamon almonds

Artisan bread (whole wheat and white)

Dessert brought by our friends:

Apple Pie

Pumpkin Pie

So if you are the one cooking the feast tomorrow I hope you don't stress. It's just food. So what if your turkey turns out a little dry or you forgot to buy cream cheese. It's just food. Add a little extra gravy to the table. No biggie. Love on your family and friends. Laugh be merry and have a wonderful relaxed Thanksgiving day and know that there is no such thing as perfect.

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